We had a much better day on Monday. It was a long day but more pleasant than the others. We left at 7:30am and returned home about 7pm. Max developed a little cough which if it would have been any other kid I wouldn't have noticed, but because we have to be so careful of infection right now we took note. They did viral testing to see what type of virus might be in his system if any. His lab counts were all over the place yesterday due to all the manipulation that we are doing with chemo and medication, so we weren't able to tell what is going on in his blood. I don't think it is anything to be worried about, but always better to be on the safe side, we should get results back soon. We also have to be cautious of pneumonia right now it can silently crop up and they think his system is able to produce a fever so if we get to 99 than we get an ER visit. He is on the same antibiotic that he has been on all year which should help protect against one specific type of pneumonia. So we will watch the next couple days just to be sure. The infusion part of the day went really well. If you recall benedryl is not a good friend of Max, so we were able to discuss another drug option with the pediatric oncology pharmacist, but since benedryl is the best that there, we tried another drug but had to run the the infusion low and slow, knowing that if anything came up we would still need to give him benedyl. Luckily it all worked out, and the new drug worked well, Max lounged on his hospital bed without getting down for 6 hours straight. He took a great nap, played a little with some new toys and just took it easy all day.
I love his smile.It is so sad when they are just thoroughly exhausted.He is a brave little boy.